By his own admission, Dustin is a bit of a Scrooge. He's one of those people that likes putting the Christmas tree up on December 24th and taking it down by noon Christmas day.
And then there's the issue of the radio stations playing Christmas music right after Halloween.
And then there's the complaints about how Christmas has become too commercialized.
And then there's the hum bug about how Christmas shouldn't always be about getting presents.
Ok, so I'm exaggerating things a bit. Big emphasis on the word "bit."
I, on the other hand, love Christmastime, but over the years have gotten used to his less than jolly attitude.
This year, however, things have been different.
One day, while driving around and listening to the radio, Dustin said, "You know, I'm not going to let the Christmas music on the radio bother me this year. I think I'll view it as "holiday music." This way, I won't get annoyed when I hear it before Thanksgiving."
Another day, he said, "Even though Christmas isn't all about getting presents, gifts are apart of Christmas. While they shouldn't overshadow celebrating and remembering the birth of Jesus Christ, it's not a bad thing to get excited about opening presents on Christmas morning."
The sudden shift in attitude has been great, and I was really surprised to hear him be more upbeat about and more welcoming to the holiday season.
Why the sudden change in attitude? That's simple. Our daughter. Having our Belle has reminded him of the magic of Christmas. We have plans to make cookies and deliver them to our friends. We watch at least one Christmas-ish movie or cartoon a day, just the three of us. We're starting new traditions and thinking of new ones all the time. It's been great.
And, I couldn't ask for a better way to end the year and bring in the new one.
Merry Christmas everyone!
December 15, 2010
December 10, 2010
"In my day, seeing pictures of people's vacations was considered a punishment."
-Betty White's thoughts on Facebook, SNL Monologue
When Belle is napping, I tend to get on Facebook and waste time. I read status updates, play Bejeweled and sometimes browse through other people's pictures.
The other day, I was looking at pictures posted by a girl I knew in junior high. We weren't friends in junior high, so naturally it made sense that we were "friends" on Facebook. After a minute or two of clicking from one picture to the next, I started to get envious of this girl's life. It seemed so much more luxurious and interesting than my own and I guess I got a little jealous. And that made me mad. Why was I letting myself feel this way? This girl was nothing to me. I hadn't seen or talked to her in 15+ years. The three years we were under the same roof for approximately 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, we never talked to each other. If there was ever a person who could bring me down, this was definitely not the one.
I stopped looking at the pictures and went to my list of friends. I scrolled through all the names and one by one, I started deleting people. I deleted people that I had removed from my NewsFeed - people that I had removed from the feed because their comments annoyed me, so why be friends at all? - and so forth. I ultimately deleted over 100 people.
Now as I glance at my list, I feel it is much more accurate. They are people I know and have seen or talked to in the last decade. They are family members, old roommates, close friends from school, etc. They are people that I genuinely want to be in contact with and who I don't mind see the pictures I post of myself and family.
So, to you my readers, do you ever find yourself looking at photos on Facebook and getting envious? Are you friends with people you really do like, or were you like me and just accepted (for the most part) and ol' request that came your way?
The other day, I was looking at pictures posted by a girl I knew in junior high. We weren't friends in junior high, so naturally it made sense that we were "friends" on Facebook. After a minute or two of clicking from one picture to the next, I started to get envious of this girl's life. It seemed so much more luxurious and interesting than my own and I guess I got a little jealous. And that made me mad. Why was I letting myself feel this way? This girl was nothing to me. I hadn't seen or talked to her in 15+ years. The three years we were under the same roof for approximately 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, we never talked to each other. If there was ever a person who could bring me down, this was definitely not the one.
I stopped looking at the pictures and went to my list of friends. I scrolled through all the names and one by one, I started deleting people. I deleted people that I had removed from my NewsFeed - people that I had removed from the feed because their comments annoyed me, so why be friends at all? - and so forth. I ultimately deleted over 100 people.
Now as I glance at my list, I feel it is much more accurate. They are people I know and have seen or talked to in the last decade. They are family members, old roommates, close friends from school, etc. They are people that I genuinely want to be in contact with and who I don't mind see the pictures I post of myself and family.
So, to you my readers, do you ever find yourself looking at photos on Facebook and getting envious? Are you friends with people you really do like, or were you like me and just accepted (for the most part) and ol' request that came your way?
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
My Weirdness,
Other People,
December 9, 2010
Apparently I have too much time on my hands because today I started to wonder why people I know and get along with so well don't like the same TV shows me. This is true with my friend Karen. She's a huge Lost fan and I couldn't care less about it. I don't miss a single episode of 30 Rock and she can take it or leave it.
I decided to take some action by texting her and presenting this challenge: we would each pick out a TV show for each other to watch. We had to watch at least 5 consecutive episodes, preferably from the beginning of the series. After we had completed our task, we'd report to each other and give feedback. The ultimate goal is to see if we get hooked on our assigned show.
My pick for Karen: USA's Psych.
Karen's pick for me: TNT's Leverage.
We are both really excited. I'm going to Netflix Leverage right away.
Before I tell you why I chose Psych, here is a little bit of background on the series for those of you who do not watch it. First of all, it stars James Roday as Shawn Spencer and Dule Hill, Burton Guster "Gus" and thanks to IMDb, here is a good synopsis of the show:
"A novice sleuth (Roday) is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers that help solve crimes. With this assistance of his reluctant best friend (Hill) the duo take on a series of complicated cases."
One of the main reasons why I like Psych is because it's not one of those Emmy winning or even nominating series that everyone loves. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with award winning shows, but sometimes you just have to root for the little guys.
Another reason why I like it is because it's actors, directors, creators, writers, etc., don't take themselves too seriously. Their show is what it is and they enjoy making it regardless of huge recognition. I especially learned this while watching a few episodes with commentary. Everyone was laughing and having a good time.
While Psych's story lines aren't nail biting and usually predictable, they are full of great one liners.
And, of course, I love that Shawn and Gus aren't afraid to show a little emotion. This clip is one of many when they demonstrate their high pitched screaming abilities.
(Sorry for the poor video quality.)
So, there you have it - one of many reasons why I like Psych. If any of you would like to join in our little challenge, feel free! Remember, watch 5 episodes and then give me your feedback!
Thought Topics
Just for Fun,
December 8, 2010
Confession Wednesday: Favorite Christmas Traditions
This is an easy confession for me. All during my childhood years, my family and I would spent Christmas with my grandparents in Idaho Falls. Every year, my grandma would put together a great Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. Besides my family, my grandma's sisters family came to the party too. It wasn't a large crowd, but we still filled up the house.
The party always began in the basement. We had hamloaf (like meatloaf only made with ground's hard to describe), sour cream potatoes, raspberry jello and little sandwiches. The little sandwiches were always my favorite. They weren't anything special, just a sandwich platter my grandpa ordered from a grocery store, but considering the fact that I only ever ate little sandwiches on Christmas Eve made them one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
After dinner, we all made our way upstairs and had a Christmas program. We sang songs, read from the Bible and my sister and I usually played a musical number on our violins.
Last, we did a fish pond. This game is one that my grandpa put together. He called it Grandma's Fish Pond. He hung a sheet in front of a door frame and each of us took turns "fishing." Our "fish" were always random, dollar store type things, but we all enjoyed it, even the adults.
At the end of the party, people went home and the kids went to bed trying so hard to fall asleep, but couldn't knowing Santa Claus was on his way.
As my grandparents aged, they were unable to host Christmas at their house. So, my parents carried on the traditions at their house. Things were never quite the same, but fortunately, I'll always have my memories of Christmas in Idaho Falls.
To this day, I insist on having little sandwiches every Christmas Eve. No party is complete without them.
The party always began in the basement. We had hamloaf (like meatloaf only made with ground's hard to describe), sour cream potatoes, raspberry jello and little sandwiches. The little sandwiches were always my favorite. They weren't anything special, just a sandwich platter my grandpa ordered from a grocery store, but considering the fact that I only ever ate little sandwiches on Christmas Eve made them one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
After dinner, we all made our way upstairs and had a Christmas program. We sang songs, read from the Bible and my sister and I usually played a musical number on our violins.
Last, we did a fish pond. This game is one that my grandpa put together. He called it Grandma's Fish Pond. He hung a sheet in front of a door frame and each of us took turns "fishing." Our "fish" were always random, dollar store type things, but we all enjoyed it, even the adults.
At the end of the party, people went home and the kids went to bed trying so hard to fall asleep, but couldn't knowing Santa Claus was on his way.
As my grandparents aged, they were unable to host Christmas at their house. So, my parents carried on the traditions at their house. Things were never quite the same, but fortunately, I'll always have my memories of Christmas in Idaho Falls.
To this day, I insist on having little sandwiches every Christmas Eve. No party is complete without them.
Thought Topics
December 7, 2010
An innocent man is about to be executed. Only a guilty man can save him. Will the real killer step forward before it's too late?
Weeks ago, I entered a giveaway at my dear real-life friend Karen's blog. The prize? A hardcover copy of John Grisham's latest novel The Confession. Like all blog giveaways, Karen provided her readers tons and ways to enter; however, I just entered once by posting the title of my favorite John Grisham book: The Client.
After that, I didn't think too much of it. I knew winning would be a long shot given I only entered once.
One evening, Karen sent me a text that said: "Be sure to read my blog tomorrow."
The suspense was killing me.
The next morning, I went to her blog and found out I was one of her giveaway winners. Awesome. My first giveaway win EVER!
When I got the book, I'll admit, I wasn't way excited to read it. I had sort of lost interest in John Grisham awhile ago when his novels stopped keeping my interest. His early novels like A Time to Kill, Pelican Brief and The Client were exceptional. But, as time went on his work began to bore me. While they were well written, the plots didn't grab me.
With that in mind, when I started reading The Confession the bar was set pretty low. I began reading, then read some more. When I wasn't reading it, I wanted to be reading. I couldn't wait for my daughter's nap time and bedtime because that meant I could read. In a nutshell, I was hooked. What a page turner!
I finished the novel in 3 days. That may seem like a normal amount of time for some people, but I am a slow reader. I always have been. So finishing the book in just 3 days is a great indicator of how much I loved it.
There are three reasons why I loved this book so much:
First, the plot. Nothing too complicated. An innocent man is in jail. Only a guilty man can save him. Will the real killer step forward before it is too late. Clean. Cut. Simple.
Second, the writing. It was easy reading, but definitely not something written for "young readers." Through the writing, I was able to connect with the characters. I was able to picture them in my mind as I flipped from page to page. They were described so well that (and this is totally true) when I wasn't reading I thought about the characters and wondered how they were doing. And then I had to remind myself that they were not real people.
Another example of how alive this book was to me was when I was talking to my dad one day. We were going over the latest headlines and whatnot. Suddenly, I remembered this case I had heard about that was really interesting. Just as I started to open my mouth, I caught myself and realized "the case" I was going to tell him was all from the book. I kept thinking all of this was real. It was so weird to have to remind myself over and over again that it was only a book.
So, I told him about the book instead and told him he had to read it. :)
Last, the language. I'm not a huge fan of tons of language in books. I don't like reading the "F" word over and over again like in The Devil Wears Prada. I don't like novels that are too graphic like I heard The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is. It ruins it for me. Call me crazy. The language was perfect and details about the crime are tame. Definitely PG-13 material.
If any of you are interested in a good read, pick up The Confession and give it a try. You won't be disappointed!
"Never say never!"
-Good advice
I don't know where the saying "never say never" came from, but it really is good advice, especially if you don't want to look stupid for doing something you said you'd never do!
Here are two examples of when I never should've said never.
First, the mini van. Everyone seems to have vans in Utah. Wherever you go, there is always a plethora of vans on the road, in a driveway or in a parking lot. Even my parents had a van. Vans are everywhere!
When I got married, a little over five years ago, Dustin and I made the decision to never own a van. We didn't like the look of the van, the stereotype that people that own vans have like a billion children and so forth.
Then, we bought Sammie, our Cocker Spaniel.
Then, we decided to keep Tod, the stray dog that wouldn't leave our porch and whose owners we could not find.
Then, our daughter Belle was born.
Throw in living hours away from both of our families; hence, a lot of time spent in the car just to visit family.
Combine all these things and the car we had just wasn't cutting it in terms of space and comfort.
So, we decided to look for a bigger car, keeping in mind we were NOT going to get a van.
Test drive after test drive after a dozen test drivers later, we finally agreed to check out a van. As soon as I got into the car I KNEW it was the right vehicle for our family. Not only did it have room for 7 people, it was so spacious. All of our luggage would easily fit, the dogs would have plenty of room to lay down, and so much more.
We bought the van and have really been pleased with it ever since.
Never say never!
Second, DVD players in cars.
You know how when you're not a parent you still seem to think you know what other parents should or should not be doing with their own children? You see a mom letting her kid run around in a store and think, "My child will never do that!" You walk around judging parents left and right as if you were the only person in the world that ever thought about discipline techniques.
Before my daughter was born, and whenever I was on the freeway or doing some city driving, I constantly saw cars that had DVDs in them. In all my ignorance, I swore, when I had children, there would never be a DVD player in the car. "My kids will be not be addicted to TV," I thought. "I'll be able to entertain my children so much better than any old DVD player!"
Well, never, lasted less than 2 years.
After listening to Belle scream in the car for hours (i.e., 4 hour trip to WY Thanksgiving 2009 = 4 hours of screaming) and enduring other tantrums whether we were in the car for an hour or just 5 minutes, Dustin and I finally caved and got a portable DVD player. We have a great setup. I hold the main player with all the controls (because I have to have easy access to the rewind button when Belle decides she wants to watch the same clip over and over again) while the other screen is on the headrest of Dustin's seat - perfect for Belle to watch all of her fun movies.
After listening to Belle scream in the car for hours (i.e., 4 hour trip to WY Thanksgiving 2009 = 4 hours of screaming) and enduring other tantrums whether we were in the car for an hour or just 5 minutes, Dustin and I finally caved and got a portable DVD player. We have a great setup. I hold the main player with all the controls (because I have to have easy access to the rewind button when Belle decides she wants to watch the same clip over and over again) while the other screen is on the headrest of Dustin's seat - perfect for Belle to watch all of her fun movies.
(Try listening to that 44 seconds of video 10 times in a row. Fun stuff!)
So, from now on, I'm going to withhold saying never as often as I can. I can't say I'll never say never again, but you never know. :)
Thought Topics
Other People,
The Daughter,
The Husband,
December 1, 2010
oh, TLC!
"I thought you'd be some place were U.S. law can't touch you like Bali or Utah."
-Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock
Have we all heard about TLC's latest show Sister Wives? I suppose having shows about little people and incredibly fertile families (19 kids, seriously?) got boring, so they had to throw in a show about polygamists to keep the public's interest.
While I've only see bits and pieces of Sister Wives, I will say the show really bothers me. For one, I am a LDS (Mormon) and one of the greatest misconceptions about the LDS church is that we all practice polygamy. Granted, that was the case many years ago, but as of 1890 the practice ceased and it has been that way ever since.
The other reason Sister Wives bothers me is because it takes place in Utah. I was born and raised and currently live in Utah. So, now this show, in my opinion, sheds a bad light on Utah. I mean, these people are clearly violating civil law, and yet here they are, going about their daily routines on camera as if it is all normal and legal. Oh, and let's throw in a paycheck while we're at it.
Apparently, there has been some talk about an investigation, but in terms of Kody and his four wives ever being prosecuted for breaking the law is highly unlikely. This is especially true when you consider that the children don't appear to be abused, specifically sexual abuse, which is too often the case with other polygamist families.
As for me, when it comes to this Kody guy, he's wrapping this lifestyle up in a nice little package labeled religion when all it really boils down to is having his cake and eating it too.
In the end, so long as viewers know that this lifestyle is not the norm in Utah and that the LDS church does not practice polygamy, I'm happy!
Thought Topics
My Religion,
My Weirdness,
November 24, 2010
Confession Wednesday: THINGS I DO LIKE
It's time to get back into the swing of things. Here's my confession for the week, K-Lo!
Dr. Pepper
Listening to music while thinking
Wearing jeans
Writing in journals
iTunes gift cards
Christmas trees
Hanging out in my PJs
30 Rock - the best TV show EVER!
Dustin's attempts at surprising me
The sound of Belle's voice when she says "Mama!"
Long, but not too long, car rides
Reminiscing with my brothers
Looking through old photo albums
Thought Topics
November 18, 2010
So, ANYWAY....
My life has changed somewhat drastically since my last post. At that time, we were living in Idaho Falls, ID and our house was on the market and had been since February. Our plan was to move to Utah so we could be closer to our families.
Here are a few more details:
- 7/22: Realtor called to schedule a showing
- 7/23: Same realtor called to schedule another showing with same clients
- 7/24: Two realtors called to schedule two separate showings
- 7/27: Received offer on house and immediately countered
- 7/28: Received a counter to my counter. Didn't budge on our counter knowing full well the buyers could walk, but took the change anyway
- A few hours later on 7/28: Buyers agreed to my original counter.
- 7/29: Buyers asked if we could be out of the house in two weeks. We said yes.
- 8/16: The official date to close on the house.
In those two weeks, my husband and I managed to move the majority of our belongings to Utah and he found a new place to work; however, he still had a lot of things to do at his current job before he could quit, so he stayed in Idaho Falls until August 27 while my daughter and I went to Wyoming to stay with my in-laws.
On August 16, we closed on the house. We immediately booked it to Utah to find a new place to live. Our plan was to find a temporary rental until we figured out where we wanted to buy a house.
After three weeks of being apart, my little family was altogether again under the same roof on August 28. Dustin started his new job the Tuesday after Labor Day and we all started to settle.
Fast forward one week.....
Dustin got a new job opportunity 70 minutes away from our house. The job was too good to pass up: amazing benefits, great opportunity to advance or "move up the ladder," overall, a tons better job than his current.
Fast forward two weeks....
We found a NEW place to live just one month after moving to Utah. By moving, it cut Dustin's commute over in-half AND we were much closer to my family. A better job, a better location, better everything.
In other words: August = Idaho and Wyoming, September = Utah #1, October = Utah #2, November = Utah #2.
I think we'll stay put for awhile....
Assuming I still have any readers, what have you all been up to??
July 22, 2010
Thirteen years ago today, my husband, Dustin, was in a horrible car accident. Dustin and his sister, Shannon, were nearly home when a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and hit their car head on. The impact of the crash killed Shannon instantly. She was only 21 years old and had only been married for 10 months. Dustin miraculously survived and had a quick physical recovery.
For six years, I worked for a large oil company. I worked closely with numerous trucking companies and drivers. I learned the business. I know the rules companies and drivers need to abide by. The rules are simple, clear and only exist for the safety of the driver and other people on the road.
Drivers are not paid by the hour. They are paid by the mile. And, because the rules specifically state drivers should not be on the road for more than a certain amount of hours per day, abiding by the rules could mean earning less money.
Insert driver log fraud.
Drivers are required to document how long they drive, where they stop to get fuel, etc. However, it is common knowledge in the trucking industry that many drivers have two sets of logs: the logs they use if they are pulled over by the police (or any other official that could punish them for inaccurate logs) and logs they use to get a paid check.
Other parts of the industry are aware of this type of deception, and, out of greed, cater to it. For example, truckstops that supply fuel for the drivers (like Flying J or Travel Centers of America) do NOT put time stamps on their receipts (the next time you're at a place like that, check out your receipt. Even if you're just buying a candy bar, you won't see a time stamp). Do you see the issue? Without that time stamp, when a driver is on the road the only record of his time is what he puts in the log, allowing him/her to get away with breaking the rules should he/she get pulled over during their route.
Now, don't get me wrong, just because the time stamp is not printed on the receipt does not mean there is not an electronic time stamp somewhere in the system. There are ways to get the actual time drivers' fueled. And, the Department of Transportation (DOT) do audit trucking companies regularly to make sure the rules are being followed. But, getting an electronic time stamp is a long, time-consuming process. Things could be regulated so much easier if the time were on the receipt. There is WAY too much room for deception.
The driver that caused Shannon's death and nearly killed Dustin had been on the road for close to 72 hours. He never apologized for his crime. His sentence consisted of 30 days in jail and the loss of his CDL. Our family has since learned he is driving a truck again.
I know there are good drivers out there. I know there are drivers that take pride in their work, follow the rules and are concerned about others on the road. I know the trucking industry is important, and we rely on it more than we probably realize. But, that doesn't mean we can't demand more of the drivers.
I encourage all of you to learn more about this industry. If you are on the road and see a driver going too fast or being wreckless, contact the company. The number is usually on the truck. If you tell the company where you were, what time you saw the driver, etc., they should be able to find out who the driver was. Here are two sites that I recommend viewing. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Parents Against Tired Truckers.
Knowledge is power. The more people get involved and demand honest, ethical trucking companies, the safer the roads will be for all of us.
Thought Topics
The Husband
July 12, 2010
Today Kathie at Just a Happy Housewife gave me the Sugar Doll award. I thought it was so nice of her to think of me, and I was really excited to be recognized!
Once you have received the Sugar Doll award, you have to follow...
A Few Rules
1. Thank the person that gave you the award
2. Share 10 things about yourself
3. Pass this award onto 10 bloggers you recently discovered and think are fantastic
4. Contact the bloggers and let them know you picked them for the award
10 Things About Me
1. I'm left-handed
2. I play the violin
3. I earned a Bachelor's degree in Family Studies
4. I grew up in Utah
5. One of my favorite pastimes is browsing iTunes for new music
6. Dr. Pepper is my drink of choice
7. 30 Rock is my favorite comedy TV show
8. I enjoy doing the laundry
9. My 5 year anniversary is only 22 days away
10. My favorite color is black
Pass this award along
I haven't discovered 10 new blogs recently, so I'll just name a few.
Cheap Wine and Cookies
Diamond Potential
Stuff I Think About
Thanks again for the award Kathie!
I haven't discovered 10 new blogs recently, so I'll just name a few.
Cheap Wine and Cookies
Diamond Potential
Stuff I Think About
Thanks again for the award Kathie!
Thought Topics
Other People,
July 6, 2010
Tracy: "I'm gonna make you a mixed tape. You like Phil Collins?"
Jack: "I've got two ears and a heart, don't I?"
-30 Rock
During my high school days, I used to make mixed tapes for my friends. I had such a fun time putting these together and I think, for the most part, people enjoyed getting them.
I also loved GETTING mixed tapes (or CDs, as the years evolved). It was always interesting listening to each song and wondering why the person picked that song to be on the tape. Of course, sometimes it was a little pathetic how much I could read into the songs.
I remember one such experience.
A guy I was dating made me a mixed CD. It was during a confusing time in our relationship. Our commitment to each other was kind of up in the air, and I was pretty certain he was ready to move on. Then came the mixed CD. It was full of a lot of really great songs, songs that were about love, but not in a cheesy way. Given I knew this guy really well and the songs he chose weren't what I expected, I began to wonder how he felt about us. But, then I thought more about it, thought more about this guy and things suddenly clicked: he was messing with me. Oddly enough, it didn't bother me. One of the reasons I liked him so much was because of his sense of humor and his incredibly ability to get under my skin. People don't usually have that effect on me, so when they do, I take notice. So, I called him on it and we both got a good laugh out it.
In the end, I was the one that left him.
So, are mixed tapes/CDs a thing of the past? Am I the only one that still think they are cool? Do people still enjoying making or receiving them? Is it time for me to move past the awesomeness of mixed tapes?
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
My Weirdness,
July 1, 2010
"UR V8K8SH1 iz baqon."
-Text message from Cerie to Liz Lemon, 30 Rock
In case any of you can't decipher the above, it is an abbreviation for "Your vacation is back on." I'm a huge 30 Rock fan. I have quoted the show a few different times on this blog. If you're not watching 30 Rock on NBC begin immediately.
Today's thought is about texting. I'm a big fan of texting. I like sending random texts to my friends and family. It's just a fun thing for me to do during the day. Plus, texts about small items of business like, "What do you want for dinner?" come in handy when I want to get ahold of my husband while he is at work.
While texting is really convenient and fast, it can sometimes be difficult to type out everything you want to say as if you were typing an e-mail or writing with a pen on a piece of paper (do people still do that anymore?). Insert: text abbreviations. It seems as though any and all words have some sort of abbreviation in the world of texting. Why spell out "you" when you can just type "u?" Makes sense, right? It's easier, faster and everyone knows what you're talking about.
So, why do I have such a hard time doing it?
I'm seriously OCD when it comes to how I send a text. I can't abbreviate. It annoys me. For the most part, I spell everything out, and if I don't, I cringe as I hit "send."
Of course, there are a few exceptions, like LOL. Who doesn't use LOL?
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
My Weirdness,
June 30, 2010
Confession Wednesday: STRANGERS
This confession is super, super easy for me. I've definitely had my fair share of strange encounters with strangers.
It all began one night when I was at a restaurant with my husband. At this point in time, the two of us were just friends. Anyway, while we were waiting for our food, this guy came to our table. He was very tall and thin and smelled like cigarette smoke. He was dressed in all black, had a huge trench coat on and was wearing a cowboy hat. He was most definitely not an employee of the restaurant, so I was really curious as to why he was standing by our table.
Immediately following his arrival, he started talking to me. Not Dustin. Just me. In fact, he acted as if I was at the table all by myself. He began asking if I like to play pool. I told him no. He asked if I was interested in taking lessons, etc., etc., etc.
A few minutes went by, and I was doing all I could to contain my laughter. Dustin found things equally hilarious, so much, in fact, that he stayed completely out of the conversation. Apparently, he enjoyed watching me suffer as I attempted not to laugh all while listening to this guy tell me how wonderful he was at pool.
After some more small talk, I couldn't stand it anymore. I told this dude I would consider taking lessons. My main focus was getting him away from me. He asked for my number. Yeah, right. Instead, I told him I would call him. I asked for his number. He said he only had a pager (Hi, 1985). I wrote his pager number down. I then asked for his name. He said everyone just called him "Monkey Boy."
Ah, the suffering started again. Dustin's face turned red. We both tried to keep it together. It was so difficult.
I thanked Monkey Boy and was SO happy when he began walking away.
Thought Topics
The Husband
June 28, 2010
In May of 2004, I graduated from Weber State University, earning a Bachelor's degree in Family Studies. At the time, I had a job that was great while I was a student because of the flexible hours, but I always told myself once I graduated I would quit and get a job related to my field.
A few weeks after graduation, I moved into a new apartment and began working full-time for the same company. My plan was to keep my job while searching for new opportunities. I also had the plan to go to graduate school the following year. It seemed like the perfect plan.
Nearly six months went by and I still had not found a new job, but I wasn't frustrated. I figured it would take awhile. And in the meantime I was learning more about admission requirements for graduate school, getting used to the thought of living in Alabama and dreading the idea of taking the GRE.
One day, while I work, I received an e-mail from my supervisor. She asked if I had heard about a job opening in a different department and wondered if I was going to apply for it. I hadn't heard about the position and even though I knew this wasn't her intention, because she sent me that e-mail, I felt a little pressure to apply for the job.
I had a week to submit my resume, and I spent a lot of time thinking about what I should do. I knew I was qualified for the job and stood a really good chance of getting it. I knew a lot of my friends (including Karen) were applying for it which made things kind of awkward. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through with it.
After a few days of thinking things over, I soon realized I was making a very critical decision. A life changing decision. I knew if I applied for the job, I would get it. I knew accepting the job would change all the plans and goals I had just set for myself. Without a doubt, I was at a crossroads in my life and I didn't know why. All I knew is that I had to apply for the job, and I wasn't happy about it.
I submitted my resume and soon had an appointment for an interview.
The day of my interview, I contemplated what to wear. I had learned all the do's and don'ts of interviewing, including proper attire. I knew wearing denim wasn't the best choice, so I wore a jean jacket. I knew wearing perfume wasn't a wise decision, but I wore it anyway. I knew I probably should've put my hair up, but I wore it down. I did what I could to not make the best impression because I was scared of getting this job.
I was offered the job. And I accepted it. And I knew it was the right decision to make, but still didn't know why.
Weeks later, something unexpected happen: I began feeling different about a really good friend of mine. A friend that was a boy. I was annoyed at these new feelings. This guy had been my friend for over a year, and I was satisfied with our relationship. Suddenly, I was more attracted to him and wanted to spend more time with him. A new job, now this? I wanted to tell life I was tired of all the curve balls.
Fast forward at most 10 weeks (yes, that's right, 10 weeks) I found myself engaged. Yes, I was engaged to this guy whom I had no interest in just months earlier. It was insane. Totally insane. But, it made sense and completely the right thing to do.
I know not everyone believes in God, but I do. And I know He lead me in a different direction than the one I had all mapped out for myself. And maybe that was so I could marry Dustin. Maybe it was to spare me from a situation that would've come about had I gone to graduate school. I probably won't know the answers to these questions for awhile. And that is okay because it doesn't matter.
What matters is that I am happy with my husband. I'm thankful for the life we have built together and the many years to come.
I'm humbled to know that God, in all his infinite power and wisdom, takes time to guide me in the right direction. And I'm so grateful I listened to Him!
June 27, 2010
My friend Karen featured me on her blog today. Boo-yah! Thanks to everyone who is stopping by. I appreciate it and hope you continue to do so!
I'll post again tomorrow!
I'll post again tomorrow!
Thought Topics
June 23, 2010
I've been pretty "thoughtless" lately. It always bothers me when I get this way, but what do ya do?
Today, I Googled "BloG Topics." I came across this website which had all sorts of ideas. Very helpful indeed, and until I get my own thoughts in order, I'm going to borrow these topics. Today I'm going to tackle #9: I Wish I Spent Less Money on This.
Without a doubt, I wish I spent less money on going out to eat.
It all comes down to laziness. Pure laziness. I'm not a terrible cook, and once I start cooking I have a good time. The problem is getting around to cooking. It's kind of like going to gym. I love it when I'm there, but getting there is a different story.
On Monday, a new Panda Express opened near my house. My husband really likes Chinese food. I used to love it, but lost all interest in it while I was pregnant. Weird. Anyway, he had been looking forward to going to trying it, so we decided to check it out the day it opened. Holy crap! The place was packed. The dining area was swarming with people. The drive-thru had about 20 cars waiting. I could not believe my eyes. I couldn't believe people were willing to wait so long for fast food Chinese. Seriously, people, it's not that good.
My husband and I weren't about to wait, and decided to eat there at a later time. An A LOT later time. We've since heard people waited 45 minutes to get their food. Again, seriously, people, 45 minutes for Chinese food?
The craziness at Panda Express really made me think twice about eating out. Seeing all those people waiting to eat rice and chicken at high prices helped me realize how unnecessary eating out really is. It's not healthy for one thing and it can be such a waste of money. The amount of money I spend at the grocery store for two weeks worth of food is maybe the equivalent of four or five take out meals. The amount of money I spend on food that will provide breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks is about the same as five meals at a restaurant? When I do the math, it just really blows my mind.
The real question is - why do I spend so much money on going out? Besides being lazy, the fact of the matter is, I like to. It's fun to go to restaurants. I've always like it, and probably always will. Another reason I enjoy it is because I don't have to worry about what to cook. My husband can get what he wants. I can get what I want. It's simple.
Despite my love for eating out, I have a new determination to eat at home and enjoy the company of my family without the loud music, bad service or worrying about my daughter's high pitched screams (which is something she does when she's happy) bothering those around me. In the end, it will help the budget and allow us to spend quality time together. Have you seen those Family Dinner Time commercials? Yeah, that's gonna be my family from now on. :)
Wish me luck. This is going to be difficult for me!
Wish me luck. This is going to be difficult for me!
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
Other People,
June 11, 2010
goal #35
"Complete a "First Year" book for Isabelle"
-Goal #35, Emily's 65 in 365 List
At the beginning of the year, I put together a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish in 2010. The list was 65 things to do in 365 days. I got the idea from my friend, Karen. It's not a list full of resolutions. No way could I EVER resolve 65 things in one year. This list is more of a bucket or "to do" list. My goals range from organizing the photos on my computer to going to the dentist to memorizing all the US presidents in order.
Last week, I completed goal #35: Complete a First Year book for Isabelle. Isabelle is my daughter, by the way. Thanks to iPhoto, I now have a 95 page book chronicling Isabelle's first year of life. It's a pretty great book, and I'm really proud of it. Now, comes the hard part - paying for it. It will cost around $135 dollars for a hard copy or $100 for a soft copy. Because I'm not super, super rich, I considered a soft copy, but now think hard would be better.
What do you think?
Whether I should order a hard or soft copy book isn't what this post is all about. Now that I've finished the book, I'm wondering if I sill need to order actual prints of all the pictures I take of Belle. If everything is in this book, is that enough? When I'm long gone and Belle's great-great-grandchildren are looking through all her stuff, will they want individual copies of her pictures?
I think photo books are so great. I think they are greater than photo albums. They are clean and organized and focus on the picture instead of frilly stuff usually found in scrapbooks. But, I'm still torn. Are traditional photo albums a thing of the past? Would it be silly to have both just in case one is preferred over the other? Am I the only one that thinks this is a big decision? Do I need to stop freaking out and be okay with just my lovely photo book?
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
The Daughter,
June 10, 2010
what's IN an AGE?
"Where did you two meet, Amber Alert?
-Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock
Today's thought is about dating. More specifically, the importance of age and dating.
I personally don't think age is that big of a deal. If two people get along and like being with each other, who cares if one is 12 years older than the other? Of course, there are a few exceptions. For example, if a 30 year old guy is dating an 18 year old girl. A girl who is technically not a "juvie," but basically still is. That's kind of messed up to me.
Men dating younger women has always been normal. No one really thinks much about it (well, unless it's an Anna Nicole Smith type marriage). When a woman dates a younger man, however, it's headline news. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake. The media was all over these two couples when they first got together, and it seemed as though everyone was talking about their age differences.
So, the real question is, when a woman dates a younger man, is it really all that interesting? I mean, there's a new TV show on ABC called "Cougars" for crying out loud. And it's a popular show. But, seriously, what's the big deal?
Looking back on my own dating experiences, the majority of the guys I dated were always older than me. Most were a few years older. Some, a few months older. My husband is 3 months, 2 days older than me. And, as far as older guys goes, he's the youngest older guy I ever dated. :)
I did go out on a few dates with a guy almost a year younger than me. If I'm really honest with myself, I have to admit that the age difference did bug me. I'm not really sure why it bugged me. After all, my grandma is older than my grandpa. My mom is older than my dad. My sister is older than her husband. Maybe it bothered me because this guy was kind of a loser and I'm not sure why I even gave him the light of day. Not to say I'm this perfect person, but this guy really didn't have much to offer me. He didn't challenge me intellectually or had the same drive that I did. I guess that's why things didn't work out.
What do you all think about age and dating? Is it a big deal to you? Thoughts?
Thought Topics
The Husband
June 1, 2010
my 10 LOVES
"What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. I have made the most important discovery of my career - the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reason can be found. I am only here tonight because of you. You are the only reason I am. You are all my reasons."
I was tagged by Karen. I'm suppose to list 10 things that I love. And, in keeping with my posting tradition, I have included my favorite quote about love from the movie A Beautiful Mind.
And, here is my list in no particular order.
-John Nash, A Beautiful Mind
I was tagged by Karen. I'm suppose to list 10 things that I love. And, in keeping with my posting tradition, I have included my favorite quote about love from the movie A Beautiful Mind.
And, here is my list in no particular order.
1. I love being a lefty. Sure, my ink often smears when I write. Yeah, my paper is always turned completely sideways. But, despite all that, being left-handed is really cool. We lefties love other lefties. It's so funny when a fellow lefty sees me writing and happily exclaims, "Hey! I'm a lefty too." It's cool belonging to the Lefty Club.
2. I love text messaging. It's fast, it's fun, and boy, oh, boy it beats talking on the phone. Man, I just love hearing my text message alert. It's like Christmas morning!
3. I love music. I can't say enough about the importance of music in my life. Music helps me emotionally, mentally and physically. It calms me down, motivates me and makes me think. It's a beautiful thing.
4. I love lip gloss. There's nothing like a little shimmer on my lips to help me get through a rainy day.
5. I love my husband. I tried to make this list about things that I love that aren't obvious, like my husband. But, I really do love my husband and not just because he's my husband, but because he's an amazing fella. He loved it when I made more money than him. He didn't mind when I struggled taking his last name after we were married. He has awful taste in music. He looks great in jeans. He thinks about ways to surprise me and then tells me about his ideas instead of actually carrying them out and surprising me. I could go on for days!
6. I love people watching. People watching in an airport is the best. Such a wide variety of people and personalities everywhere!
7. I love cities. It wasn't until I moved to a small city in Idaho that I realized I am a major fan of big cities. I love all the movement, the sounds, the smells. It's all so great. I can't wait to live in a bigger city soon!
8. I love Feng Shui. Okay, so I'm not a real feng shui expert, but I do believe every room in a home should have a purpose and a comfortable layout. When I first moved into my current home, I spent hours arranging and rearranging my formal living room. It was endless, but once I found the perfect place for each item of furniture it was like magic.
9. I love my puppies. My husband will laugh his head off when he reads this. I think I utter the words, "I can't stand these dogs!" more than anything else. My dogs are so annoying. They bark non-stop. They pee whenever they get excited. They track in mud all throughout my house. They require so much attention like food and grooming. Ugh! But, at the end of the day, they are so loyal and love nothing more than to cuddle up next to me while I watch Law & Order.
10. I love laughing. Whether I'm all alone watching an episode of 30 Rock, in a big crowd full of friends and family or browsing through Awkward Family Photos, laughing is great. It really is the best medicine.
Thanks for the tag, K-Lo. It was sure fun!
Thought Topics
The Husband
May 28, 2010
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
When I was 12, I was diagnosed with petit mal seizures. I was told I would eventually grow out of having them, but in the meantime I was put on daily prescription medication. The medication worked, but every time I had a test done to see if I had grown out of them, I was always told no.
By the time I reached high school and eligible to take driver's ed, I was told it was too risky for someone with my condition to drive. So, all during high school I never got a driver's license.
I continued to have seizures while in college. I also experienced them after I got married. And, during my pregnancy. And, after my pregnancy.
Now, nearly one year since my last seizure, my doctor finally gave me the "OK" to get a driver's license. I was both excited and frightened to get this news. On the one hand, it was going to be SO great to have freedom to get to places without depending on anyone else to drive me, or to worry about walking in the rain or snow. On the other hand, getting a license would mean I would have to conquer my biggest fear: driving a car.
I'm not sure where my fear of driving came from, and I decided there really wasn't any point in trying to find out. I decided, now that my seizures were really under control, I would learn how to drive. It was time to conquer my fear and not let it rule my life.
Over the past few weeks, my husband has been teaching me how to drive. It has been a good experience, but sometimes frustrating. Some drives are really great and I leave feeling really confident. Other drives are bad and I exit the car feeling hopeless. But, we have prevailed and my husband has not let me give up. He's really encouraging and always reminds me when I'm doing a good job (or when I'm about to run into something...).
Today, a neighbor of mine called and asked if she could borrow my music stand. I, of course, said yes and told her I would bring it by once my daughter woke up from her nap. Now, when I say neighbor, I mean she literally lives 4 houses away from me. As my daughter slept, the rain began. My heart sank. I hoped as time passed, the rain would cease, but it only got worse.
Once my daughter was awake, the rain was still going strong. I was so frustrated and decided to take matters into my own hands. I put my daughter in her car seat, got into the driver's seat, turned on the car, made sure I knew how to turn on the wipers, put the car in 'drive' and slowly accelerated.
As I left my driveway, I felt so liberated, so powerful. I was running my first errand. And it felt fabulous! Two short seconds later, I reached my destination without any problems at all. I gave my neighbor the music stand and then headed for home. Two seconds after that, I was back in my garage all safe and sound. I did it!
I immediately called my husband. And then I called my mom. I was filled with joy. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I knew I was close to conquering my fear.... not to mention getting a real license so I could drive legally on the road.
What are your biggest fears? Do you have any interesting stories to share in which you looked fear in the face?
Thought Topics
The Daughter,
The Husband
May 27, 2010
"I think it's getting to the point where I can be myself again. It's getting to the point where we have almost made amends. I think, it's the getting to the point that is the hardest part."
-Call and Answer, Barenaked Ladies
We've all been there. You've just called it quits with your boyfriend. Whether it was your idea or not, it hurts.
I've experienced heartache like this a few times in my life. The first time was when I was 17 years old. I had just dumped my first boyfriend, Ryan, because he didn't treat me the way I thought he should. It was your typical high school drama, but it was a big deal for me at the time.
I felt so sad without the company of my once boyfriend of 3 months. I did whatever I could to get over him by spending time with my friends and family. But, sometimes I embraced my heartache by chillin' in my room, listening to music and thinking about all the good ol' days. It was really difficult, and some days I never thought I'd get over him.
One evening, a few months later, I was at home painting my closet door (thanks Mom and Dad for allowing me to do that, by the way) when my phone rang. I answered and heard "Hey" on the other end. I reluctantly said, "Hey" and then asked, "Who is this?" I heard a chuckle, and then the voice said, "This is Ryan." I have absolutely no idea why he called or what we talked about. The only thing I remember is feeling so great that I did not recognize his voice. In that moment, I knew I was at "the point." I was over him.
Sure, getting to "the point" sucked big time, but once I was there it was like all that pain and heartache never existed.
After the whole Ryan thing, I moved away to college. I met and dated new guys. I went through more breakups and had more heartache. Most were easy to deal with compared to my high school days. I suppose I was better equipped emotionally to deal with the pain. One, however, topped them all. But that's a thought for a different time.
So, do any of you have any great "getting to the point" experiences? Am I the only one that remembers stuff like this?
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
May 22, 2010
"Everyone can create. You don't need money, position or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty."
-President Dieter F. Utchdorf
Today's thought was inspired by this video, which was put together by the LDS (Mormon) church. It was compiled from a talk given by one of the leaders of the LDS church, Dieter F. Utchdorf. You can read the entire talk here.
I am LDS. I know religion can be a touchy subject, but I absolutely love this video. I believe it has such a great message that is applicable to anyone regardless of religious affiliation.
In addition to this post, this video inspired my blog. In fact, my blog description "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul," is from this President Utchdorf's talk.
I hope you enjoy it!
I think the words create and creativity are often confused with being crafty or artsy. For example, you're only creative if you can put together a great scrapbook, if you are an excellent photographer or have written your own novel. Because I so often view creativity or creating this way, I often feel like I'm lacking in a big way.
But, then I thought I should define it differently. After all, one technical term of the word create is "to bring into exsistence." That really opens up what being creative means, which makes me feel better. Maybe I'll create a new friendship, create a happier day by being more positive, create a stronger family unit by always making sure my husband, daughter and I have dinner together. The possibilities are endless.
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
My Religion,
The Daughter,
The Husband,
May 17, 2010
"Location, location, location!"
Yesterday, I read an e-mail from a very close friend of mine. She told me her husband accepted a new job and that she would be moving to a new state. She and her husband are no strangers to moving. In their 10 years of marriage, they've lived in three different states, most of which were away from their families. However, she indicated that this move would be different because she now has a son. Moving away from family is different when there are grandparents involved. :)
I'm really excited for my friend. The idea of picking up and moving to a new part of the country where you can meet new people and experience new things is so appealing to me.
Nearly 4 years ago, my husband and I moved to Idaho. We purchased a house that belonged to my grandparents. At the time, there was no doubt in our minds that we needed to be in Idaho. It was definitely the right thing to do, and I relished in the idea of being in a completely new area. It's been a good few years.
Of course, living in Idaho meant we'd be away from family. At first, it didn't seem to be a big deal. In fact, it wasn't a big deal. We were close enough to everyone that visits were not a big production - just a few hours in the car. But, like my friend, living away is different now that we have our daughter. Being closer would mean she could see her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins a lot more. But is location really vital to having a close relationship?
I've thought a lot about the importance of location since realizing I really enjoy change. I honestly think I am one of those people that could move every few years or so and absolutely love it. Why stay in the same place if you don't have to? Why not get out and explore and experience new things? Is being settled really all that important?
Well, I'm sure a lot of people can think of dozens of reasons as to why that way of life isn't ideal. I can think of a few reasons myself, especially when it comes to work for Dustin and school for my daughter. Maybe exploring and experiencing new things is what vacations are for. I suppose I'll never know unless I try it.
Maybe all this talk about change and moving is a sign that I'm not happy with my current location. Hmm, that's something to think about.
Thought Topics
The Daughter
May 12, 2010
Confession Wednesday: FINALS
I don't have any dramatic stories about finals. I managed to take all my finals on time and, for the most part, did pretty well on them.
I did, however, have a bit of a scare when it came to my Adolescent Development class. I was taking the class my last semester of school. In lieu of an exam, my professor had us write a 20 or so page paper on any topic relating to adolescence. Usually, I was so on the ball when it came to writing papers. I was always starting them fairly early on and giving myself plenty of time to complete them before the due date. I didn't do this because I was an exceptional student, but rather a worry wart.
For some reason, I put off my adolescent paper to the last minute. And, by last minute I mean I only had a week to complete it. I was so freaked out about it, but I decided I would live in the library until it was done. Everyday, after class, I made my way to the library and spent at least 8 hours there researching and writing my paper.
By the time the paper was due, I wasn't thrilled with it. I felt like I could've done better. But, I couldn't do anything about it, so I turned it in and called it good.
Looking back, I'm glad I procrastinated my paper (and the only reason I can say is because I got an A). Part of the college experience is staying up all night and cramming for exams or freaking about finals, right?
Thought Topics
May 11, 2010
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."
I found out I was pregnant with my first child in May 2008. Dustin and I had decided a few months earlier that we were ready to add a branch to our family tree, so I wasn't too surprised when I read the word "pregnant" on my home pregnancy test. It was still a little surreal, though.
Instead of planning a big reveal, I immediately called Dustin at work to give him the big news. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: "Hey, how's it going?"
D: "Good. How are you?"
Me: "Good. Guess what?"
D: "What?"
Me: "I'm pregnant."
D: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah."
D: "Okay..."
Me: "We can talk about it when you get home."
D: "Sounds good."
Romantic, huh?
Over the next few weeks, as things started to set in, I realized something: After a lifetime of hearing other women tell me about their pregnancies and what it was like to be a mom, I was finally going to have my OWN story, my own experiences. It may sound silly, but it was such a liberating feeling.
My daughter, Belle, is now 16 months old.
I always expected motherhood to alter me. I expected to be tired. I expected to have fun. I expected the throw up and messy diapers. I expected a bond. I expected the irrational worry and fear. I expected all of that.
What I didn't expect was a love for my own story. I love to analyze it. I love to compare it. I love to share it. It's my very own story, and no two stories are the same.
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
The Daughter,
The Husband
May 5, 2010
Confession Wednesday: GETTING OLD

My friend Karen does a weekly confession on her blog every Wednesday. I'm going to participate for the first time today. Yay!
Today's confession is the first time you felt old.
Today's confession is the first time you felt old.
When I was in school, all my friends and I were the same age, give or take a year or so. Everyone knew if someone was a sophomore, junior or senior. It always seemed like a BIG deal. It also seemed that once I graduated from high school, age suddenly became irrelevant.
The first time I really started to feel old was when I moved to Idaho Falls. I quickly became friends with people in my neighborhood and church. I would go out to lunch with my friends, have them over at my house, go over to their house - all the usual friend stuff.
After awhile, I learned that everyone I was friends with was 4 - 5 years younger than me. For whatever reason, I just figured everyone I was chillin' with was my same age. It seemed so weird that I was close to so many people that were my brother's age. I never hung out with my brother's friends! Gasp!
I felt so old!
Another time I felt old is when I uttered, for the first time, the words: "About ten years ago..." and had a perfect recollection of what I was doing with my life at that point in time. Double gasp!
Thought Topics
May 4, 2010
sweet, sweet MUSIC
I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.
-George Elliot
Music has always been a big part of my life. I began taking private violin lessons when I was six years old and continued doing so for many years. During those years, I performed in many concerts, participated in my high school and college orchestras and even taught lessons myself for a little while. Spending so much time and effort into my musical abilities has been a great blessing for me, and I hope I can encourage my daughter to participate in music lessons when she gets older.
Today, I found a few CDs that I had burned maybe 6 - 7 years ago. None of the CDs were labeled (typical me), so I started playing them one by one to find out what songs were there. Holy cow. It a total flashback to my college days, and I loved being flooded with memories and reminiscing about past experiences. Here are a few:
R.E.M. and The Cure - My lifelong friend, Karen. I can't go a second without thinking of her whenever I hear the song "It's the End of the World as We Know It." Nor will I ever forget the day we couldn't get enough of "Friday I'm in Love" and played it over and over and over again! Love ya, K-Lo!
Dixie Chicks - Bath & Body Works. I'm not a big country music fan. Folk music is about as close as I get to the country these days. However, while working at Bath and Body Works, all my co-workers adored the Dixie Chicks which meant I had to listen to their music all the time. After awhile, "Wide Open Spaces" didn't sound all that bad. Good times!
Barenaked Ladies - I went through a phase when I loved this group, particularly the song "Call and Answer." Hearing this song for the first time in awhile, I was immediately taken back to the days when I lived in a little red brick house with a green front door. My room was in the basement, so it was always freezing. I remembered laying in bed at night, listening to "Call and Answer" and really loving the lyrics.
Duran Duran - The only song I like by Duran Duran is Ordinary World, the acoustic version. Hearing this song today reminded me of my friend Jimmy. He and I always gabbed about music, and he liked this song as much as I did.
Allison Krauss - "When You Say Nothing At All" reminds me 100% of my friend, Laney. We used to listen to the Notting Hill soundtrack together and this song was on it. Okay, it wasn't the Allison Krauss version, but still...
Enrique Iglesias - Who doesn't remember the song Hero? Good ol' Enrique reminds me of a past friend. We're not friends anymore, but when Hero was on the radio 24/7, she and I acted like we were separated at birth. She was a good influence on me. Great times with a bittersweet ending.
The crazy thing about all these songs is that I never listen to them anymore. I still like the, but my taste has definitely changed (current music loves are on the sidebar). I guess that's okay because when I do hear them, I get to revisit all these fun memories!
Isn't it amazing how music can trigger so many memories, whether good or bad, and feelings? I definitely echo George Elliot when it comes to music. I could not live without it.
Thought Topics
Am I the Only One?,
May 1, 2010
could you SPELL that, please?
PTERQUIE (tur-key)
Today's thought is about people who have common first names, but whose spelling of the name is anything but, and people who have unordinary names.
Every so often, my husband and I think about cool names for pets. We apparently have too much time on our hands or have really bad sense of humors because it's one of our favorite pastimes. Our favorites as of late are Jeffrey, Scott, Victoria and Beverly.
One day, we decided Turkey would be a hilarious name for a dog. As if picking out dog names wasn't weird enough, we took it a step further and decided how we would spell it. This is what we came up with: PTERQUIE. The "P" is silent. While this activity of ours was a total joke to Dustin (the hubby), I decided IF (and that's a BIG if - I'm not a huge dog fan) we got another dog after our current puppies (Sammie and Tod) have gone on to the next life, the dog's name would be PTERQUIE. We'll see if it ever happens.
When it comes to naming children, is it just me or are names getting WAY out there? For example, Gwyneth Paltrow has a daughter named Apple and Ashlie Simpson named her son Bronx Mowgli. Sure, apples are delicious and Mowgli was an important character in the beloved Disney classic The Jungle Book, but does that mean they make good names for people?
I think there should be an unwritten law that people need to practice a bit more common sense before choosing a name. In my book, this would include a few things. First, the name should be a good, solid name. A name that isn't too weird and one that the child can grow into. A name may be way cute when the child is young, but you've gotta consider if it would still be cute when the child is an adult.
Second, the spelling of the name should be considered. I cannot even tell you how many ways I have seen the name Kennedy spelled (Kenidi, Kenedie, you get the idea). As a person whose maiden name was constantly misspelled and mispronounced, believe me when I say it gets SO OLD having to spell your name wherever you go. And, don't even get me started on all my awards or trophies I won that all had my name misspelled. So annoying!
And, third, consider if the name rhymes with a four letter word or could make your child an easy target at school. I'm a big fan of the name Tucker, but am pretty certain I couldn't go through ever naming my son that. Of course, you can't plan your life around what bullies could potentially do to your child, so maybe this step isn't as important as the others. But, I still think it should be considered.
Thought Topics
The Husband
April 30, 2010
the latest TRENDS
"We're off cupcakes and back to donuts."
-Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock
Today's thought was inspired by my favorite comedy TV show 30 Rock. It's hilarious. It's consistently funny (not like The Office which totally went down after Jim and Pam got married) and I just love it! I own the first three seasons on DVD, and my husband I watch an episode or two every night. It's one of our quarky traditions that I've grown to love.
Anyway, during one episode Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) is introducing himself to one of Liz Lemon's (Tina Fey) friends (guest star Jennifer Aniston) and says:
"Welcome to New York. Ah, let's see...we're using credit cards in cabs now, all the galleries have moved to Chelsea and we're off of cupcakes and back to donuts."
I love the part about the cupcakes. I totally remember when, all of the sudden, cupcakes were the new thing. Everyone wanted to eat a gourmet cupcake (and didn't mind paying $4.00 for one) and everyone wanted to own a cupcake shop. I'll admit, I drank the cupcake kool-aid. Fortunately, for my wallet and waist line, my town didn't have any cool cupcake bakeries, so I wasn't able to fully enjoy the cupcake craze.
All this talk about cupcakes got me thinking about fads and trends. Isn't it funny how a certain gadget, restaurant, musical group, etc., can pop out of nowhere, be way popular and then disappear? I've jumped on a lot of trend trains in my day. Here are just a few examples:
- Slap braclets
- Ring Pops
- New Kids on the Block
- Girbuad jeans
- Keeping one strap on my overalls undone
- Crystal Pepsi
- Krispy Kreme Donuts
But, there are also a few trends that never interested me:
- Pokeman
- Power Rangers
- Bluetooth
- Halo
- iPhone
- Blu-Ray
- Harry Potter books
Then, there was the time I'm pretty sure I started a trend. It was while I was in junior high, and I was hanging out with a friend that I only saw once in awhile because we lived in different cities. For whatever reason, we went to Home Depot. I honestly have no idea why we were there. Anyway, we found these crown bolts and each bought one to wear as rings. I put stars on mine just to give it a little kick. I wore it to school and didn't think much about it. One day, while at school, I noticed a bunch of girls (who weren't my friends) each wearing a bolt on their finger. I was way surprised because I never thought anyone noticed my bolt.
I never talked to the girls about our "rings" so maybe I didn't start a trend. But, maybe, it wouldn't be a bad thing to think I started a trend. Who's gonna know anyway, right?
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