I am in desperate need of some advice!
My 4-month old daughter is a spit-up machine. There is no end to her spitting up, and, as a result, she is constantly hungry. I go through one package of formula in less than a week, which is costing me tons and tons of money! The formula should be lasting longer than this, and I may as well flush $5 down the toilet every time another river of spit-up lands on my shoulder.
I need some practical, wholesome advice on what to do. I've tried everything my pediatrician recommended plus a few tips I read on various websites, but nothing has worked. Here's an example:
Trial and error with formula. She is currently on a generic form of Enfamil AR.
Hold her in a more upright position during feedings.
Keep her in an upright position for 30-45 minutes after feedings.
Burp in between ounces. i.e., drink one ounce, burp, drink a second ounce, burp, etc.
Feed her less at one time, but more frequently.
None of these suggestions have yielded any changes. She continues to spit-up and spit-up and spit-up. At this point, I'm in denial about the possibility that I may just have to wait for her to grow out of it. I'm determined that there is a solution, and I'm almost certain someone out there has been in this same situation and can help me.
And the person that provides me the most effective advice will get a $20 Amazon giftcard.
Please comment and leave me any advice you may have.
P.S. To all you die hard, anti-formula moms out there: The reason behind why I do not breastfeed is none of your business. But, I promise with all of my heart that I have a very legitimate reason for bottle-feeding my child. Trust me when I say I would love nothing more than to feed my little one FREE breast milk, but such is not the case for me. As much as I know how much you'd love to lecture me on how I'm ruining my child's life by not breastfeeding, it really is unnecessary.