
April 19, 2012

Q is for QUOTES

I stumbled upon this quote while I was in college.  I have no idea where it came from, but I immediately wrote it down and kept a copy of it in my day planner.

Become not weary in doing that which is small
for only persisting in that which is small
do we lay the foundation for that which is great

Too often, I find myself worrying about the big things:  having the right house, the right car, the right wardrobe, the right gadgets, etc.  

But, this quote reminds me that it is the small things that really count.  If I make a small effort to keep my house clean every day, I'll never have a huge mess to clean up.  If I make a small effort to lose 1 lb a week, I'll lose 52 lbs in one year.  If I take one second out of my day and smile at a stranger, I might just make their day.  If I make dinner, I know my husband will appreciate it more than anything when he comes home from work.  If I read one book to my daughter, she'll love it just as much as if I took her to Disneyland.

Never underestimate the small things in life.  

The small things are what build character.  The small things build lasting relationships.


  1. What a gorgeous quote! I love it so much, I'm writing it down and sticking it to my quote board in my office.

    1. You did the exact same thing I did when I first read it: immediately wrote it down. It's such a simple phrase, but it is so powerful!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, and thanks for your comment. I appreciate it!

  3. ...and that's the truth!

  4. Love your attitude, Emily. Indeed, it is the small things that lay the foundation for the great :) Thanks for the reminder!

    1. You're welcome. I have to remind myself often about this too. Thanks for your comment!

  5. I think that it is time that you move back and be my neighbor again. Just a thought... I enjoy reading your blog- this abc thing is really cool.

    1. Thanks! I miss being neighbors too. Maybe you should move to Utah?

  6. I love that quote. You taped it to the bookcase that you eventually gave me. I don't know if you noticed, but it's still in the exact same spot.

  7. Very true!

    Enjoyed your post. :)

    1. Thanks! And thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. :)

  8. I agree. It's totally the small things. My boys love our bedtime routine. Crewe gets out of bed like 3 extra times asking for another kiss or another story. He doesn't care if our house is a mess around him, or that we stayed in pj's all day, or I didn't take him to the park. He will remember that I was at home with him, and our nightly routine. :) It's so hard to not get caught up in it all from time to time though. And..I think people who seem to have it all together 100 percent of the time, are writing outloud about it trying to convince themselves they REALLY do have it all together. I dont believe it! ha


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