
February 13, 2013


My life has completely changed.  

I have spent the last several weeks preparing for our new bundle of joy.

And now she's here.  And she's perfect.

We're still in adjustment mode, though, especially my sweet Isabelle.  She's trying her very best to be brave, but sometimes she gets overwhelmed.  It's heartbreaking to watch her struggle and to hear her say she doesn't like being at home because it's "weird."

Dustin planned a few fun outings to do with her which I think made her feel extra special; however, if there's anything I've learned in the past week it's that no outing or activity can compensate for discomfort in the home.  And making sure our house is a happy and positive and safe haven for my girls is my ultimate goal in life.

So, that's what I'm focusing on right now:  making sure that our home is as a place of peace and comfort.  It's not easy, and will be even more difficult when Dustin goes back to work.  But, I'm confident with a lot of thought I can do it!

I consider this an exciting time in my life and hope I can find time to blog more about it.


  1. Congratulations so much on your littlest addition. This transition period is always difficult, but I know that you will figure out how to get through it.

  2. Congratulations! These are hard yet beautiful time. Certainly blogging can wait.

  3. It's an adjustment for everyone with a new baby, and each older sibling handles it differently. I just made sure to spend extra time with any of them who struggled. It's hard to make sure you are doing enough. Cohen was the same, Crewe was awful to me but loved CAL. I preferred that over mean to the baby but I cried many a days/weeks. was short lived and now things are great! Good luck, it will be easier soon enough.

  4. It's all going to be ok! And when things aren't ok, it's ok to ship Isabelle to Gramma Berta's house. The princess room always awaits!

  5. I wondered how Isabelle would handle the transition. I'm sorry it's been rough for her, but things will get more normal soon.

    Congratulations again! I can't wait to meet the baby!

  6. That is so tough. I'm sure Isabelle will adjust soon. I hope you're doing well!

  7. Oh, what a dream it would be if my home were a place of peace and comfort! What an excellent goal! As silly as it sounds, you may have just inspired me to try to instill a little more peace into my chaotic world.

    And belated congrats! I've been away too long!


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