
October 31, 2012

my NOVEMBER goal

Life has been fairly rough for me in the motherhood department.  My daughter has been "on one" for the last several weeks and it's so hard not to take her extreme tantrums, hitting, screaming and overall disagreeableness as a sign that I am a terrible mom.

But instead of complaining, I'm going to attempt to heal from the continuous trials that seem to encompass my entire day by writing a post every day during the month of November about the things I am grateful for.

I realize it's November 8th, so obviously I have some catching up to do.  And because I'm a bit OCD I'm going to do a different post for each of my catch up days and possibly even back date them.  :)

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. It's all about being organized! Looking forward to counting blessings with you.


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