
April 13, 2012

L is for LEFT

Are you right handed or left?  I'm left.

Are you right brained or left?  I'm left.

Do you have a daughter that is being completely whiney, making it almost impossible to hear your own thoughts? Affirmative.

I'm left with no choice but to call this post good for L.


  1. I'm left handed too! I really like this post and your blog. You have a great style of writing.

  2. Ahhhh, but you see...The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. And the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. So you are always in your right mind!
    Oh yes it is true! Google it, or ask any stroke victim!

  3. I'm left handed... but I thought the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, and vice versa. We always used to say that left handed people were the only ones in their right minds!

  4. Girl you are good! I feel so proud when I finish a post for this challenge and then seconds later panic sets in when I remember I have to do it all again tomorrow and I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO SAY! AAAAA!!! I'm right handed. I'm just happy to have a brain, right or left.

  5. Yay for lefties!

    Sorry Bellie's being whiney, though...

  6. I'm a righty but always wished I was a lefty. When I was a kid I always thought Lefties were more interesting. I tried to write left handed but was a complete failure. Enjoyed your posts and your writing. Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

  7. Keep up the good work - the challenge is certainly challenging, isn't it? A right handed challenge blogger here. :)

  8. Wow that was easy ! but that was good, it made a lot of sense even if it was just 4 lines!

  9. I'm right-handed, but have a lefty daughter. This challenge can get the best of us sometimes, but keep plugging away!

  10. I forget you're left handed. No wonder you have such good handwriting :)
    What's the difference between right brained and left brained, I can't remember.


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