
November 20, 2011

giving THANKS

I spent the majority of my childhood celebrating Thanksgiving at my grandparents' house in Idaho Falls.  It was a time of year I always looked forward to, and, now as an adult, I can look back at it with fond memories.

It was the same thing every year.  Thanksgiving dinner, typically held around 1:00 in the afternoon, was at my grandma's sister's house.  The crowd wasn't usually that big - our family and a few of my dad's cousins and their families.

When we arrived at the house, all dressed in our Sunday best, the majority of us (the men and kids that were too young to help) all sat around, made small talk while listening to a football game in the background.  My grandma, her sister and a few others were busy in the kitchen finishing up dinner.

Once we were finally ready to eat, the youngest kids all found their seats at a small table reserved just for them while the adults and older kids sat at "the big table."  We all ate on very nice china and it was always a very elegant, classy occasion.

Later that night, my dad would always take us to see a movie.  This was always a fun tradition for me, and I recall one year being so excited to see Disney's Aladdin.  Much to my dismay (the whole town's dismay, really), the newspaper had misprinted the starting time of the movie, and we were all forced to leave (and risk not getting a good seat and/or ticket) or stand around for what felt like HOURS until the movie actually started.  My dad, being the awesome guy that he is, decided it was best to stay.  So, we waited and waited and waited for the movie to start.  Good thing Aladdin was actually a fun movie, especially for a pre-teen like me.

At the end of the week, our family would pack up and head back to Utah, but not without being extra excited to return just weeks later to celebrate Christmas.

This year, I am more excited for Thanksgiving than I can remember in a long time.  We'll be with my husband's family in Wyoming, so I'll be able to travel away from home for the holiday just like I use to as a kid.  Traveling during the holidays (mind you, I'm talking driving, not flying) always makes things more fun for me.

And while I won't be in my Sunday Best (which I am NOT sad about) or hit up the theater to see a moving on Thanksgiving evening (not a tradition my husband is crazy about carrying on), I know I'll have a great time.  After all, it's all about being with family, enjoying good conversation and eating, eating, eating!  

I have a lot of things to be thankful for this year.  My husband is such a great guy and treats me so well.  He is a hard worker, a wonderful father and overall kicks major ass (language, I know, my bad).  My daughter, while trying at times, makes me a better person, makes me laugh and the reason I have so much hope for the future.  My parents and in-laws are extremely supportive and always there for me when times are tough.  I'm thankful for their example of hard work and service.  My little brothers are the COOLEST people since forever.  I've really grown to love and admire and appreciate them this past year.  I'm so happy they both have awesome wives that bring such awesome cooking (Aubrey) and spunk (Brittney) to our family.  I definitely scored in the sister-in-law department.  :)  My nieces and nephews are so adorable.  They love my daughter and are always willing to play with her.  They say the most hilarious things EVER and are always willing to give me a hug (the nieces) and a "pound it" (the nephews) when I make them I'm around.

Those are just a few things I am grateful for this year.

I hope everyone has a fun Thanksgiving holiday!


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