
July 3, 2011

that one SPECIAL DAY in JUNE

My husband and I tend to take a "less is more" approach when it comes to holidays.

Father's Day was pretty easy, breezy this year.  We made plans to spend the day with Dustin's side of the family who live two hours away from us.  On Sunday morning we woke up early, got ready and then hit the road.  Before we left, though, I gave Dustin his present.  It actually ended up being a two-for-one because I ended up getting somewhat of a gift too.

I bought Dustin 'Fierce' from Abercrombie & Fitch;.  It is an awesome cologne that, I swear, The Gateway (an outdoor mall near our house) pumps through the vents so it can be smelled all throughout the greater Salt Lake area because it haunts me every time I am shopping.  I tried my best to resist the temptation to buy it.  I really did.  But, eventually, it's awesomeness won, even at the risk of losing my hearing (it's so loud in A&F, seriously!) which means it's that good of a cologne.

Dustin loved it, and now he and our house smell so wonderful.  It's like heaven in here!

But, wait, it gets better.  When I left the store carrying my first ever A&F purchase, I walked out of the store with this bag.  It was WAY too big for my little cologne box, but it had cloth handles which made it both cool and ridiculous.  Cool in that how often do you get bags with cloth handles, and ridiculous because, hello, cloth handles?  What a waste of money!

No, the best part is not the handles.  It's the bag itself.  I mean, seriously, how often does a bag with this type of picture on it come along?  Forget that this is a bag from a clothing store and the picture is of a half-naked man modeling a swimsuit that isn't really even on his body, begging the question, "Does A&F really even like their clothes?  They don't advertise people wearing their them."

Just forget all that nonsense.  Sometimes we all just think and analyze too much.  Just look at the bag.  The bag, in all it's glory.

Ya, the bag was my present.

P.S. Dustin, I love you so much.  And one of the reasons why I love you so much is because you can appreciate the humor in this post.  :)


  1. Now if only A&F could figure out a way to make the Great Salt Lake smell like that...

  2. I seriously went and ordered me some of this...just so I can see what it smells like! Oh, yes I did!

  3. AnonymousJuly 04, 2011

    That stuff smells so good!

  4. Since Karen posted a link to you blog, I can now stalk you!

    And I can't wait until Toys R Us starts doing bag campaigns like that.

  5. Sounds like cologne is totally dreamy. Might need to find some for my man. And I don't think i'd get a lot of shopping done if I had to look at that bag:) Glad to find your blog!

  6. Ha, ha, ha! That bag rocks...the handles on the top and the lack of them on the middle! ;)
    Happy SITS day!

  7. AnonymousJune 18, 2012

    I am so frugal that I can't help but wonder how much the cost of the cologne is built into that bag! But cloth handles - wow! what a value add - and if it smells that good AND it's for your special man, then it's worth every penny. Happy SITS day!

  8. Too funny! Yes, that is a great looking true about all their ads show people not wearing their clothes! Happy SITS day!

  9. I did cologne too this year! It's something you can't go wrong with. lol.
    Congrats on your SITS day. Lovin' your little corner of the web :)

  10. haha, you are funny. Perhaps you could frame the bag for your bedroom. ;)

  11. AH yes, the Abercrombie bag! I became addicted to these in college (in San Diego). Every time one of the girls in our dorm would get a new one, we'd shamelessly display it on the bulletin board in our hallway. Glad we weren't the only ones who didn't shop there for the clothes!

  12. Those bags definitely grab attention :) Happy SITS Day!

  13. Haha. And not to mention that you can smell their store from across the mall because they must spray everything with their scent.

  14. Love it, great idea from 2busy to frame it! Will have to try that cologne out for next gift I need. Congrats on your SITS Day.

  15. This is my favorite sent and I bought if for me. Yes, ME! Then I felt silly and gave it to my hubs, but I wear it more than him. It smells like shopping (and sex)! And they do spry the cloths. I've been in there when they had a new shipment and were spraying everything before they hung it. And the bag, Oh the Bag. My first bag I gave to a friend. I think she did frame it. The reason the cloths are so freak'n expensive is because they have to pay for the bags! But my gosh, I never thought that the cloths must suck because the models wont even wear them! Now my whole jean collection is taboo!

  16. Happy SITS Day Emily! I once walked into an AF and they were liberally spraying all their clothing with cologne! I almost died!! Great Post!

  17. Checking in from SITS - Sorry I can't get on-board with the delight of the cologne, all perfumes, colognes and scented candles give me a migraine headache. But I'm totally with you on the sexy, fun, extravagance of the AF bag!

  18. Good present, that bag!

  19. Ooohhh... That bag looks... uhm, yummy? :D

  20. They do pump it in the air! The Abercrombie on 5th Avenue- every time I walk buy it I smell it. I also gawk at the male models who stand at the door- often shirtless- their only job to stand and look like the boys on the bags. What a job. Visiting from SITS!

  21. Too funny! I guess I never noticed that the man on the bag wasn't wearing the clothes he should be advertising. I've been too busy looking at his body to notice!


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